The power of our actions should never be underestimated. Yesterday my daughter gave me a persuasive essay she wrote for her high school honors English class. It was titled My Mother, and presented a heart-felt description of why she admired me! A delight for any parent. A simple acknowledgment of appreciation and love. Later that day, I received a beautiful scarf in the mail from an old friend. The friend had been a yoga student of mine years ago and the scarf had a lovely OM pattern. There was no reason for the gift other than an act of kindness and love. These simple acts reminded me that I am loved and appreciated. It sounds simple, and it is.
In each moment we possess the power to connect with others. These connections can be as simple as a smile or as complex as a beautifully written essay. I often recall a reading by Thich Nhat Hahn on impermanence. In it he reminds us of some brutal facts. That everything and everyone you love and cherish will one day disappear. That you will one day grow old and die. That everything you value will one day be gone. There is no way to change these facts. The only thing that you can control are your actions. Your actions are the foundation of everything you do. Make them count.